What would my world be without lipstick?? I would be colorless, bereft on the high seas of "blahdom." From the tender age of 3 when I was first aware of my lovely mother twirling up her tube of red lipstick and applying it gently to her lips each time she left the house I was dazzled by it's bright effects. The first chance I got I reached up on her dresser with my little hands and snatched up her golden tube of color. I generously applied it to my lips and then decided to use it as a crayon to write on the walls with. And, that's the first (but certainly not the last) time I heard her exclaim, "Wait until your father gets home!" Despite the spanking I got for obliterating mom's one and only tube of lipstick, I knew my love affair with the stuff had only just begun!
Supple lips and big smooches to one and all!