Monday, August 20, 2012

The Letter

"Give me a ticket for an aeroplane. Ain't got time to take a fast train. Lonely days are gone, I'm a going home, my Baby just wrote me a letter."
From the song "The Letter "

Letter writing is all but an ancient art these days. Thanks to modern technology most folks catch up with each other via e-mail or Facebook.

I recently received a wonderful letter from a dear friend whose family had come for a visit back in June. In it she expressed how much she, her husband, and two young sons enjoyed visiting in our home and playing with our black Lab. She enclosed some photos she had taken that day. They were immediately posted on the fridge were they can be viewed every day. It's always a special joy to see anything arrive in the mail from this family. Despite the fact they don't live a great distance away, it's nice to know my friend actually took the time to write a personalized letter on behalf of her family.

E-mail is lightening quick but sometimes "snail mail" is better. It's a lovely thing to hear when the person who checks your mail box brings it into the house, holds up the card or letter and says "You've got mail."

Writing a letter - sometimes "snail mail" is better

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Catching a Dog Nap

It's a dreary Saturday morning. Overhead clouds are heavy with the promise of rain. As I go about my morning tasks, my little dog has made a cozy nest out of one of his favorite fleece blankets. What sweet dreams doth visit him in slumber? Perhaps visions of chasing squirrels and chipmunks? Tossing a well-worn chew toy about? Or maybe his litter mates, three little black and white sisters, have come to play in his sleep. be so relaxed and oblivious! He's more than likely dreaming of sunnier days, as are we all in this particularly damp summer in the Carolina foothills.

Sleep well my sweet.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

I'd Rather Be On Wilson's Creek

What Duck?  It  was here a minute ago!
That's what the famous bumper sticker says, right?  For those who've grown up and lived in and around Caldwell County, NC, you know what I'm talking about.  Raise your hands and let me hear you give a shout out. ("Hey, over here, I got my hand up," says one.  "Why hell, yeah," chimes another. "Got that right, count me in, too," exclaims yet another.) 

For years I've seen the bumper sticker plastered on the back of old pick up trucks, station wagons, and SUVs.  I don't know who originated it in the first place but it was a great idea.  Every time I get behind someone who has an "I'd Rather Be On Wilson's Creek" bumper sticker displayed I have to sigh and think to myself, "Yep, I'd rather be there, too.  Instead I'm stuck in workday traffic. Man, I bet that water is cold today.  Heck, it's cold every day!"

The Wilson's Creek area, located in the northwestern section of Caldwell County in the Grandfather district of Pisgah National Forest, was once used by the Cherokee Indians as a summer hunting grounds.  It's not uncommon to see a wild turkey or two crossing the road there as well as deer and other glorious woodland critters.  It's a beautiful retreat on a hot  day. But, beware, it's highly prone to flooding when the storms of summer come up suddenly. And, while it doesn't appear to be so in these photos, the creek can turn deadly during the rainy season. 

The family dog, Levi, is a two-year-old Labrador currently in duck retrieval training with his master. On a recent hot Sunday morning we took to the creek well . . . like a duck takes to the water.  At this spot the water was deep on the far side and shallow along the sandy beach on the other.  It was an excellent place for Levi to get his ya-yas out and for us to enjoy a cold, refreshing dip as well. 

On a day like this one it's not hard to see why the locals proclaim they would, indeed, rather be on Wilson's Creek!

Levi in duck retreival mode with Master Dave

Friday, August 10, 2012

Bye-bye Bonnet

So long and fare thee well to one of the best sun hats of all time. You can't just put any old hat on any old (or young) head. Anyone who wears a hat on a regular basis will tell you it's got to perch properly on your noggin and, in my mind, make you feel jaunty. 

I used to refer to this one as my floppy hippie hat because it was reminiscent of something you'd see in a film clip from Woodstock.  At any rate it got me through the hottest days of June and July before the brim began to unravel. 
It's gone to the hippie hat graveyard now, along with other old gems such as my embroidered bell-bottom blue jeans, love beads, and incense burner. 

Bye-bye lovely bonnet. I'll miss you and the good times I had while you were sitting on my head!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Lunch on the Run is No Fun!

Eating lunch on the run is quite a challenge when errands are to be done. Gulping down a burger and Coke takes some talent that's no joke!  

Through the ATM drive lane I go. Doh! Was that a plop? If it's mustard I hope it's just a tiny drop 'cause I  don't want to look like a pig who's rolled in slop.

Will I get from point A to B?  It's anyone's guess... Mercy me!!!