From the song "The Letter "
Letter writing is all but an ancient art these days. Thanks to modern technology most folks catch up with each other via e-mail or Facebook.
I recently received a wonderful letter from a dear friend whose family had come for a visit back in June. In it she expressed how much she, her husband, and two young sons enjoyed visiting in our home and playing with our black Lab. She enclosed some photos she had taken that day. They were immediately posted on the fridge were they can be viewed every day. It's always a special joy to see anything arrive in the mail from this family. Despite the fact they don't live a great distance away, it's nice to know my friend actually took the time to write a personalized letter on behalf of her family.
E-mail is lightening quick but sometimes "snail mail" is better. It's a lovely thing to hear when the person who checks your mail box brings it into the house, holds up the card or letter and says "You've got mail."
Writing a letter - sometimes "snail mail" is better |